
Congreso de Paraguayos Migrantes en los Estados Unidos, Inc. (Conparmusa) is a nonprofit organization registered in the State of NY.  We are 501(c) 3 Corporation and classified as a public charity.

Our mission is to enhance the lives of Paraguayans in the USA and in Paraguay.  The projects we engage will vary, and the organization is always looking for people who are interested in supporting the mission.   Please visit our Programs page and facebook page, www.facebook.com/conparmusa, for additional information.

Contact: Ana Di Sessa anadisessa@verizon.net, 973-479-6733

Al Congreso nos gustaria dar la gracias a Kansas Paraguay Partners pordejarnos mostrar estos hermosos images de Paraguay. Estas imagines nos impresiona por que fueron tomadas por niños/as y jovenes paraguayos. Por favor leer mas abajo el extraordianrio programa .


CONPARMUSA would like to thank KPP for letting us display these beautiful images of Paraguay. What amazed us the most is these images were captured by Paraguayan youths. Please read below for this extraordinary program.

Images of Paraguay


Thanks to our fundraising event with Tierra Adentro, our Conparmusa Scholarship Program will continue for 2024!

To download free pictures of the 2023 events, please see below: